About Living Waters

Colon Hydrotherapy

A Warm,
Inviting and Very
Private Experience


Soothing Treatment

Colonics treats symptoms for digestive or health disorders from poor diet, stress, inactivity and overuse of pharmaceutical medications.


Health & Well Being

Enjoy our spa-like environment to enhance your feelings of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation.


State-of-the-Art Equipment

Experience the Angel of Water System, an FDA Registered, safe, hygienic way to cleanse the entire colon (large intestine).

Explore together

Discover the most engaging places


Our Therapist

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Your Colon Hydrotherapist - Ann Ochs

Our Therapist

Ann Ochs

Ann Ochs has more than 20 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist.

Ann’s first experience with colon hydrotherapy began in 1997 as a client when she was trying to heal from serious health issues. Her journey to better health has created a new mindset of reducing the toxic load on the body by eating whole, organic foods, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, reducing overall stress, and cleansing the body on a regular basis.

Over time she regained her vitality, and became passionate about helping others improve their well-being. She has witnessed dramatic changes in physical health, mental clarity, and improved energy and stamina in her clients.

As a certified body ecologist, Ann teaches clients ways to incorporate a natural system of health and healing through nutrition. Some clients want to make major changes overnight, and others want to start slowly by making small changes. Either way, Ann supports and guides them through the process.

Your Colon Hydrotherapist - Ann Ochs

Our Therapist

Ann Ochs

Ann Ochs has more than 8 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist.

Ann’s first experience with colon hydrotherapy began in 1997 as a client when she was trying to heal from serious health issues. Her journey to better health has created a new mindset of reducing the toxic load on the body by eating whole, organic foods, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, reducing overall stress, and cleansing the body on a regular basis.

Over time she regained her vitality, and became passionate about helping others improve their well-being. She has witnessed dramatic changes in physical health, mental clarity, and improved energy and stamina in her clients.

As a certified body ecologist, Ann teaches clients ways to incorporate a natural system of health and healing through nutrition. Some clients want to make major changes overnight, and others want to start slowly by making small changes. Either way, Ann supports and guides them through the process.

Ann recently relocated her practice from Chester to Morristown, New Jersey.

Your Colon Hydrotherapist - Ann Ochs

Our Therapist

Ann Ochs

Ann Ochs has more than 8 years experience as a colon hydrotherapist. She holds an advanced certification from the International Association of Colon Therapists (I-ACT), is certified by the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, and is a certified body ecologist.

Ann’s first experience with colon hydrotherapy began in 1997 as a client when she was trying to heal from serious health issues. Her journey to better health has created a new mindset of reducing the toxic load on the body by eating whole, organic foods, reducing exposure to environmental toxins, reducing overall stress, and cleansing the body on a regular basis.

Over time she regained her vitality, and became passionate about helping others improve their well-being. She has witnessed dramatic changes in physical health, mental clarity, and improved energy and stamina in her clients.

As a certified body ecologist, Ann teaches clients ways to incorporate a natural system of health and healing through nutrition. Some clients want to make major changes overnight, and others want to start slowly by making small changes. Either way, Ann supports and guides them through the process.

Ann recently relocated her practice from Chester to Morristown, New Jersey.


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Sed gravida


Quisque muis


Explore together

Popular Adventures

Pellentesque sed dictum arcu. Donec ut tellus quis justo suscipit lobortis mollis nec erat. Phasellus varius ligula nulla, eget aliquet nisl pulvinar eu. Nulla hendrerit vestibulum mauris.


Nullam neque


Sed gravida


Quisque muis

Affiliations & Certifications

About Living Waters
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy


About Living Waters
National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy
